Thursday, April 18, 2019

Here We Go Again

I had a doctor's appointment today.

For a pregnancy confirmation.

I should be 7 weeks 4 days today. But my uterus is seemingly empty. She found something she said she thinks could be a yolk sac, but it's so far off she can't even figure out where it is.

So, I may be having another miscarriage (this would be my 5th now), I may have an ectopic pregnancy, or nothing could be wrong and they just can't find the baby.

Tomorrow I go to Maternal Fetal Medicine for a more detailed ultrasound to figure things out.

I don't know why this keeps happening. It's taxing and stressful.

I'm hopeful that baby is just playing hide and seek, but I'm prepared for the worst. This waiting game is the absolute worst though.

Emma's good btw. She is currently jumping on the couch like a maniac, living her best life at 2.

Here's a picture of her eating her birthday cake.

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