Friday, October 20, 2017

I Have Created a Monster

I have never, in all my 37 years, met a baby as bad at sleeping as Emma. Holy moly. She's 6 and a half months old, and is still waking every 2-3 hours most nights. She was taking a pacifier for the first 5 months, but right around the 5 month mark she decided she no longer likes them. Any of them. We've tried at least 4 different kinds. She either cries, chews on it, or just spits it out. Almost like she's forgotten what it's for. The only thing that will get this kid back to sleep is boob. She is literally attached to one all night long, from the time she first wakes (usually around 12 anymore, sometimes earlier) until the time she's awake for the day (anywhere from 7-9). With at least 1-2 wake ups in between. She's not awake long, just long enough to pop it back in & she goes merrily on her way back to slumberland. But it is exhausting. I haven't had a full night of sleep in well over a year now. Cause you know, pregnancy. Then this adorable little ball of mischief.

Naps are really hit or miss too. Some days she'll take 1.5-2hr naps. Other days 15-30min. And then there's some days where she doesn't nap at all. Those are the worst. Then she is so so so tired that all she wants to do is cry. I don't understand why babies cry when they're tired. When I'm tired, I just sleep. I don't cry about it for hours.

We started solids at dinnertime now as well, about a week ago. I thought that would help her sleep better too. But nope. I can't be sure, but I think she may be sleeping even worse now. Or perhaps it just seems worse. I keep telling myself, it's going to get better. Soon she will be sleeping through the night. She actually was doing 5-6hr stretches for a bit. I don't know what happened to that. It seems so long ago. Some days I try to grab a quick nap while she sleeps. But those usually end up being the days were she naps for 17 minutes, and wakes up just as I'm falling asleep. Which ends up just making me more tired.

I've even considered giving her a bottle of formula *gasp* before bed, to see if that would help. I've heard formula fed babies generally sleep better. But I just haven't been able to bring myself to do it.

At her 6 month appointment, her doctor didn't seem concerned with her sleeping patterns. So I guess in some upside down world it's "normal". It's just very weird to me, as the other two slept through the night basically their whole lives.
